Private Credit & Venture Debt

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+971 55 218 5957
+971 56 330 015

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We provide tailored alternative funding solutions for enterprises whose funding requirements are not fulfilled by the traditional financing channels. Our funding solutions are typically utilized by companies for growth, expansion, working capital liquidity, acquisitions and balance sheet recapitalization, amongst other needs.

As part of our due diligence and client onboarding requirements, we prefer companies with strong business fundamentals, robust cash flow -generating capabilities and a management team with a demonstrated track record of successful execution.

Corpus Finance specializes in Private Credit, Venture Debt, Trade Finance, and Project Finance, offering tailored financial solutions to empower business growth.ย 

Partner with us for innovative strategies, personalized service, and a commitment to your success.


+971 55 218 5957, +971 56 330 015


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